Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to increase/decrease priority of a program in linux (ubuntu)

Hi all,

We all want to increase priority of a process sometime or the other. Simply because we want the job get done in fastest possible time. Also we want to reduce priority for some old lazy jobs which we can takes few mins to run.

There is a "nice" command (The command name is actually "nice") :P, but we need to have root permissions to use it.

See man nice for more details. Also see man renice for altering priority of running process.

Thanx for reading:)

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Nokia Pc Suite not detecting bluetooth hardware (Motorola / Ralink drivers)

Hi all ,

Unfortunately this post don't give any solution. I am myself stuck with this problem .
That's what happens when many competing companies want their proprietary standard to rule to consumer market.

My brand new HP laptop works great. Graphics card is also great. The only source of problem in bluetooth device. Its from Motorola, with some Ralink company device driver.  The Bluetooth devic don't work with the windows driver and unfortunately the Nokia PC suite dont work with this driver. It fails to detect the installed bluetooth on my machine. (Bluetooth works with without pc suite, with any phone including nokia and between computers).

Its terible .. I know this is more to do with PC suite, but yeah i know the vendors are also at fault. They want their products to dominate without caring for the effects on consumers. Windows driver is just great (I actually use them for most of my devices and used those in my previous laptop). Motorola sucks and so does nokia in its PC Suites...
I need to make no guess why its loosing the smartphone market.. Hope the Microsoft-Nokia Deal bring some fortunes for the company.

A link to the discussion :-

Any one with the solution please provide me one .. I am waiting for it desperately .. i dont want to carry the data cable with me everywhere i go :(

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Amount of data "flowing" acrros the internet in one month

Hi all,

Yet another weird post !!

Any guesses for how much data flow across the internet per month ? *

Its approximatly 21 exabytes per month (i.e. 1024 Petabyte or 1024*1024 TB or 1024*1024*1024 GB) :) according to cisco.

By 2013 its estimated to reach 667 Exabytes per month :)

*Conditions Apply :-
No prizes for guessing :D :P

Thanx for reading:)

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